The water is trickling around are kayak as we glide through the fiord. It’s a really cozy sound. I pull my paddle silently through the water and it creates ripples on the otherwise perfectly mirror blank surface.
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Leanne paddles in front of me in our two-seater kayak. Photo: Patrik Enlund

It is completely mirror-blank when our guide Matt enjoys the views. Photo: Patrik Enlund
In front of us, the fjord’s majestic mountain, covered in green stand like beautiful giants. Here we are totally surrounded by mother nature, protected from the high waves. Here it’s quiet. And peaceful. There is no one else in the whole fjord except from us. It’s our guide Matt, me and Leanne and three other kayaks.
Together we kayak through one of the many arms of the fjord and the silence lays as a blanket over our whole reality. A blanket of silence that gives the soul that soothing feeling that gives power to our life. That silence is not found in many places. That silence is never found in people’s everyday lives.
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It’s hard not to smile. Leanne is very pleased. Photo: Patrik Enlund

Only a small group paddle together. Me and Leanne in our kayak, then our guide Matt and three kayaks with two in each.
I’ve never been totally relaxed in a normal everyday life. It’s so much noise. The kettle in the morning, the kitchen fan, the car engines, the noises from phones, the traffic in the distance, an airplane up there, the neighbor listening to music. It’s never completely silent.
Complete absolute silence is hard to find in today’s world. But in Doutbful Sound we find it. When we stop paddling and just let the kayak glide, well then it’s there. The silene. And we feel so good. We gain so much energy.
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You just can’t complain about the view on our lunch stop.
We are far from all civilization. We had to cross a large lake with a ferry, then we rode in a bus for half an hour before finally jumping in our kayaks to paddle out. There are no roads, no cars, no shops and no coverage on the phones.
We spent two days and one night in Doubful Sound paddling in our kayaks. It can be dangerous and scary. But it’s also really, really wonderful.

Här är vi framför Doubtful Sound när bussen tog ett fotostopp uppe på kullen på vägen hem.